Daniel on Jerry!

Daniel on Jerry!

Daniel after his first Fun Show in 2011!

Daniel after his first Fun Show in 2011!


Every week when Daniel shows up for his riding lesson, his instructor Scottie asks him if he is having a good day. Daniel often responds, “I am now!”

Daniel’s weekly lessons focus on growing his independence as a rider. Daniel, who first rode at Rainbow 10 years ago,  is learning more control of the horse, and developing the balance, coordination and strength. Jerry usually is Daniel’s equine partner and is also Daniel’s favorite therapy horse.

Daniel’s favorite riding activity is trail riding. Socializing with his instructor, Scottie, and volunteer, Christine, is also a fun and important part of Daniel’s lesson. 

Daniel’s mom shares, “He would to like to go to Rainbow always.”

Way to go Daniel!

Daniel when he first started riding 10 years ago!

Daniel when he first started riding 10 years ago!